SICTV - does it exist? si ADvance says: NO

a recent letter to si ADvance's "AWE" editor, ben johnson:
SICTV - does it exist?
According to AWE (and the si ADvance)...NO.
would not it be an awfully nice gesture on your (and the advance's) part to actually SUPPORT
the producers and programming done LOCALLY on staten island community television?
I am not asking for full page articles...
(no, I realize those are reserved for bands, films and TV shows NOT produced locally)
but c' least a mention? a listing? a few mere crumbs from the ADvance's table of promotional bounty?
While I realize there is a fair amount of garbage on the SICTV
channels (34, 35, 57)...believe it or not, there ARE some programs that are
valid, entertaining, and worthy of your readership.
and none more worthy than my show.
(11 years, 183 episodes, thousands of fans worldwide)
in closing, can you simply explain to me WHY SICTV is Glaringly omitted from AWE??
some channel employees have told me that the ADvance is against CTV...i said: "that can't be true"...
but actions have spoken louder than words here, methinks...
the courtesy of a response is respectfully requested...
and I'll let you know if anything comes of this...
Labels: advance, cable access, industrial television, SICTV
I may have been wrong about local band coverage, but not ctv coverage.
Hey! Totally support what you're up to! I am part of, a new arts collaboration group I am starting a new blog to feature Staten Island artists and local pride. It is in new development, but if you would like me to feature you or have any comments/advice, check it out:! Best to you! -->jenn
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