like dogshit, these guys keep turning up

Alright, enough's enough already!
I won't even befoul these pages with naming the business these two attention whores own, but you know them if you live on S.I. ...
Joe "Weave-fredi" & his son "Nicky nepotism" ...yep, No other auto dealer in NYC actually insists on having their picture in every goddamn ad published , except these two hammerheads. Geez, once in the while is OK, but every friggin' day, maddone!! They are virtually inescapable from Staten Islander's eyes. Taking out multiple ad pages in the advance DAILY leads to a wearisome reading experience that leaves me fatigued, spent, and questioning my very existence on this planet. Makes me want to fantically search for a blunt, rusty butter-knife to gouge my eyeballs out. It would be safe to assume that after repeated viewings, some buyers actually walk into this auto dealership and REQUEST one of these vain mudda-fukkas to service them! It's a sad commentary on our residents here. But this being the "borough of stepford sheeple", I'll bet it happens. Often.
Ah, the power of bad advertising.. even if it is uninspired, hackneyed, banal, & ego-driven...
One would think that they're content with incessant bombardment & regularly invading our inner psyches in everyday newsprint ads. But no- these conceited, self-centered egotists decide to place a giant billboard ad on the Goethals bridge with their huge faces on it. I have come to the conclusion that although these heads on the billboard are 11 feet tall, they pale in comparison to the originals.
Labels: advance, advertising, auto dealerships, guidos, Staten Island, vanity
I've been stuck driving behind local MTA buses with their faces smiling back at me.
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