Tuesday, December 05, 2006

NASCAR dead on S.I.

well, it's official, ISC have given up trying to put a racetrack on the Island. Citing "fierce local opposition", they are going to sell the 200+ acres they been developing.
While the sensible Ed in me says: "this is probably for the better, look at all the traffic NOW, can you imagine what it would'a been like on race weeks?"....
but the anarchist in me would like to have seen it happen, just to piss off the "hoi-polloi", and other "stuck-up sticky beets"...plus I'll miss those tailgate parties!

well, readers, whaddya' think?
NASCAR dead on S.I.-good or bad?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was looking forward to selling my resident parking rights on Ebay to the highest bidder (maybe even include a spot in my backyard for them to set up a tent on race weekends).

No tailgate parties -- remember, everyone was going to take ferries and shuttle buses.

12/06/2006 4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you heard about the possible idea of a two way toll on the Verrazano?

Well I have a petition against this, I have been trying to spread the word and have people aware take a look if you like.


Keep up the good work.

1/08/2007 6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NASCAR could have gotten us better roads and traffic management if conversation was more productive.

1/23/2007 5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now there is room for the REAL race -- fishes against herons...

3/06/2007 11:50 AM  

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