more about the sad state of films on S.I.

I noticed today that 2 of the films nominated for Oscars, "Capote" (which I hated) and "Good Night, and Good Luck" NEVER played on S.I. Which in of itself is very telling.
A recent article on the front page of the advance belied the fact that there are many smaller, independent films that never make it to S.I. The reason given by the theater owners is that the distributors do not think S.I. is enough of a "market" to open the movies here.
What they fail to see is that given the chance, and over a long run, these films would make more per screen than the latest Hollywood "one-week wonder" films that permeate the island's theater bookings. C'mon, surely one can see that a film like "Good Night, and Good Luck" would out-gross something like "Doom" which plays one week and ony does halfway decent business the first weekend before heading to DVD 2 months later.
I refuse to believe that if these movies played here that people would not attend. Many have traveled off-island to see these already. Wouldn't it be great to have an "Angelica" type of indy movie house on the island?
STATEN ISLAND needs an independent movie theater. I think the Lane would be perfect.
If there's any millionaire film lovers out there that would want to tackle this project, let me know. The Lane is for sale/lease....most likely in the 2-3 million range. It would probably take another million to renovate and turn it back into a movie theater. I do not know if this venture would be immediately profitable, but I suspect that within 3 years, it should be able to pay for itself, and put some extra cash in the owner's bank account.
these two movies DID open this fri. (feb. 3rd)....almost FIVE months after the initial release.
Better late than never?....hmmm...
I couldn't agree more. I hate the majority of the bullshit Hollywood films and often end up in the city at the Film Forum. The Lane would be perfect.
I think the Lane is a historic site and therefore, would be a real pain to re-open. I used to go to Travis to see the more popular independent films and before that, I remember the teeny-tiny Amboy theater used to play some independent films toward the end (no heat, $3 tickets and huge, huge bag of yellow popcorn they would scoop from at the concession stand).
I read that article in the Advance too and everytime an independent movie is played on SI there are HUGE lines so the market is here.
I agree. I was so pissed off it took however many weeks before Brokeback Mountain came here and then I was pleasantly surprised to see the theater PACKED!
If I win that Mega Millions this week, I'm taking on this project!
While I totally agrre with you droogie, I've got to tell you I saw "Good Night/Luck" at the Mariner's Harbor Regal around the beginning of November.
I'm still amazed that I grew up in Staten Island and managed to become a film buff. I can probably thank my dad's laserdisc player and LaserLand (R.I.P.) for that.
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