terms for smoking pot

marijuana is a subject I profess to know something about...after all, I have been using on & off (mostly ON) for 30-some-odd years. The other day an older friend of mine said to me: "Wanna do a number?"...I said: "Shit, dood-I haven't heard that term since high-school!" ..."Yeah, but I gotta score another LID first!"...I mocked to him.
Many smokers have a "code" for going to smoke a joint...some memorable ones:
"gotta see a man about a horse"
"wana bone-up?"
"gonna go burn one"
"do a unit"
"let's get zooted"
"break out!"
"gotta go tune-up"
But my all-time favorite still cracks people up to this day, and comes from an old burn-out friend of mine back in the 80's-
He wouldn't say: "wanna smoke a joint and get get high?"
he'd say...Hey ed:
"Stogie?"................"get nice?"
See a man about a horse? - I thought that was mens code about going to the bathroom. gave me something to think about.
My New Years resolution was to smoke pot more often. I need to get myself a personal connection...
How bout...
"Wake and Bake"?
Wow, hello Mr Ed. I used to play pool at the hall on PR avenue back when you worked there pre-industrial tv.
The reason I bring up that old joint is related to your subject.
On my way to play pool one day, a friend and I decided to walk around the block and "walk the dog" before shooting. We were passing a "dug-out" back and forth, when I reloaded, I was spotted by stinkin islands' fattest...er finest. My friend got away due to a slight of hand maneuver, but I got caught holding the bag, so to speak.
I spent 25 hours in the 120th.
Another time I was hangin out with a fine brazilian lady friend of mine in the back lot of the Kmart on hylan, back near the street next to a construction trailer while sipping starbucks.
We got lucky that time and got out in about 6 hours (possibly due to my hot ladyfriend).
Both times I was making really good money, and only spent my leisure time back in my childhood stomping ground.
Both times, I lost about 500 a day, a total of 5 days between incarceration and court, PLUS fines.
This is all thanks to that fascist pig, Juliani.
I moved 4 years ago to NJ, another police state, but the commute is easier to the city, and the rent is cheap; I don't have to mention I don't miss ess eye pigs either.
my buddies and i didn't drink or smoke weed until our senior year of high school. so randomly one day, a few of us decided we wanted to get high with some of our friends who did smoke and drink, but at the same time we didn't want our straight edge friends to know about it. so we came up with an ingenious code system that we could use in front of parents and anyone who didn't know about our new found love of weed. we referred to smoking weed as "playing poker" and referred to bud as "poker chips". it works beautifully as i will demonstrate.
"hey what's going on man?" -roman
"shit, not much of anything." -me
"well, do you want to come over and play some poker?" -roman
"oh for sure, but i don't no where my poker chips are. do you have any?" -me
"yeah man, i got some sweet poker chips we could use." -roman
"nice... alright i'll be right over. MOM....! i'm going over to roman's house to play some poker... i'll be back later." -me
"well, honey do you need to bring over any snacks?" -mom
"yeah, that's not a bad idea..." -me
"okay well here's a few pizza's, chips, and soda. you have fun now shnookums!" -mom
"thanks mom, hopefully i'll have a lot of poker chips!" -me
"i'm sure you will dear..." -mom
like i said, genious! you all have my permission to use this information however you see fit. enjoy!
"zooted" means you've been snorting coke.
what about hittin trees
throw rocks at eachother (get stoned)
we need to lighten up
get to higher ground
High, we should head that way
fly some kites
burn the grass
blaze new trails
green means go
hit it up
advance on the plants
do a little dance
smoke a little bud
get high tonight
"let's chief on one"
Getin in the fifth element, or just "the fif"
Goin to visit the casa de verde
Pettin the horses.
Slayin the dragon.
There's a shit-ton of them
Good day !.
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