"The spirit of America" ...money well spent?

Here's a pic of the new ferry boat, "The spirit of America" which is heading to S.I.
Notice right next to the life preserver is a small sign with a symbol on it that signifies "this is a life preserver" Ummmm....am I the only one who sees the impropriety/idiocy of this? Hel-o-oh!
I mean, c'mon...if you can't see the life preserver without that sign....well, there's major problems in your life, me bucko...more dire than having to actually use that badboy, methinks.
I just have to imagine the logic (or lack thereof) behind the creation/placement of this sign. Maybe, perhaps there are similar signs only with arrows on them, all around the boat, all pointing to this one sign?...And when you see THIS small green sign, you'll make a connection, perk up your ears in a pavlovian manner and realize: "Oh, I see, thank the maker- THAT's the life saver I was hunting all over this friggin' boat for!"
Notice also there's no writing on it either....possibly this universal symbol for a life saver will help save the life of an illegal immigrant who cannot read, and assumes the writing on this big donut means "danger-stay away", or "INS snare"...but think about it- if you've never seen a life preserver before, how is that little symbol-sign gonna help?
All in all, it seems like just another in modern day America-one more bureaucratic-inspired, politically correct waste of funding, does it not?
Which makes the title of the boat all the more be-fitting.
Maybe the sign is there so the deckhands will understand: "you put the life preserver HERE, on this rack...numbnuts."
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