The end of an era-Beachland Closes

Yes, it's true, the owners finally gave in to offers from real estate developers. The beachland amusement arcade on sand Lane is closing after 56 years. It was the last remnant of an era long-forgotten on S.I.
I remember being very young and even before moving here from Bklyn. in 1969, I used to love to come visit my Aunt Rosie, whom lived on Sand Lane...about 1 block from the amusement areas. There were two arcades, a kiddie park with lots of rides, a ferris wheel, a spook house, lotsa junk food...and shitloads more! It was mega-cool, especially for a 10-year-old! I used to make our family greetings, and after about 15 minutes would be begging my mom and aunt to let us go across the street to the arcades and rides and stuff. Well, that's all gone now. Everything's been closed/demolished/razed/built-over/town-housed/homogenized to the point where the neighborhood is unrecognizable from what it used to be. (must be a real shocker to any visiting former residents of the area to return and see this debacle)...the only thing that stayed the same was SBA.
The last bastion of the old-school amusement attractions was the South Beach Arcade ("SBA", or "beachland") which survived/resisted all of the above-listed abominations to this day. They are closing forever on the 4th of June. The equipment is going to the auction block on June 13th.
It's a very sad day on S.I.
As a regular there (and many other arcades in the tri-state area) on and off for 30-something years, I can attest to the fact that SBA were the last of a dying breed. Sure half of the vintage 80's games were broke, but at least they HAD them! Trying to find these games today is a true rarity. Just finding a place with more than one pinball machine is tough. SBA had 7. They also had the last of the old-style Skee-Ball know, the ones with the funky sounds & wood balls? Space Invaders, Pac-Man, Centipede....Jeez, there's even a few of those "Pokerino" units there! It's a real trip back in time, I gotta tell 'ya. The original prizes for coupon redemption are mostly still on the walls and in the cases. Image saving up and redeeming all those tickets for a color TV set!...only it's from the late 70's & has knobs on the front. The place was off the kitsch factor scale.
And I for one, will miss it sorely.
That really fucking sucks. I guess I better make it a point to get down there as much as possible before it's gone.
I still have a shitload of those prize coupons in my car that I was saving up in order to win something valuable.
I think I'll save them. The memory is more valuable than any of the prizes they offered anyway.
Marshall will sell it for a song....
Make a bid
This is great news. No more little punks with their "doo-rags" and pet pit-bulls hanging out like the low-lifes that they are. Hoping the Section 8 folks move out next. Maybe we can get people in the neighborhood that have respect for themselves, work and keep their property clean. Wishful thinking i guess.
This is the only place I know that still had a Centipede game (with the cool rolling ball control) - I play it every time I get out there. Yeah, we're planning a trip back soon before the closing date. I was joking with my husband that maybe we can finally win him thta lovely hot lather machine with the cool 70's brown/tan design.
SBA: Beachland Amusements better known as South Beach Arcade respectfully served the public for 65 years.
All good things come to an end and then there are new beginnings.
Redeem your tickets, there must be something there you'd like as a momento or ask if there are other offerings.
Best wishes to all of you
and the good health to enjoy each day.
Oh wow, this makes me sad! I lived on Arthur Avenue for many years and before that visited family who lived there when I was still living in Brooklyn. I will miss the SBA very much!
Are there any plans for some sort of closing ceremony? It seems so depressing to just have it close quietly without anyone realizing until it's too late.
I am very to hear any establishment that is attached to history, and an era. Though I never have been here, and I live in Bay Ridge. I am saddened to hear this, these kind of places make a community, it's a shame others have to ruin something so many people love. I hope the good will be remembered much more than the bad.
i remember back in the days the blonde lady that ran the bumper cars.
my dad knew her and i'd always ride for free. sweet memories of a dying island. section 8 and the vz destroyed our little community.
hey! remember augies?
right on the corner?
best calzones anywhere.
yeah my cousin lives on norway still. i don't know why he stays.
I haven't been there since the 60's but I do have a picture of me and my sister when we were very young taken in the early 50's with the Dodgem cars and Cataldo's Pizzeria in the background. Great memories of it.
I grew up there. I would cut out of church on sundays and put the benches out . In return Gin"s mom would give me some quarters to play games. We were the first video game generation. I hate to see ot go but im suprised to see that it lasted that long
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