some recent random thoughts

Ralph's opened last week, but what's with all these flavors? Jeez, I recall a time when they added "rainbow" ice, and it was a big deal!...and BTW, I don't want to drink anything called a "Ralphie"... I noticed sedutto's ice cream is coming to the pizzeria on Albion! Remember sedutto's?
I see they are having religious services at the st. george theater (drawing record crowds) on sundays now. This from the same christian group housed in that huge "church" on richmond ave. Another great move by the owners of the theater.
You know, I remember seeing the ground-breaking legendary chic porn film: "the devil in miss jones" there back in the 70's. It appears the st. george has come full circle. They went from projecting films of people screwing to actually screwing people. BTW- I received a recruitment postcard from the group, and in bold letters it proclaims: "We Love Children!".....scary.
Labels: Port Richmond, ralph's, st. george, Staten Island
if they want business..they better cater to the mexicans.. they're taking over.. :P
Amazing. I get such a kick out of looking into old and new SI posts ... just found your blog and I'm sure I'll spend some quality time here.
I not only remember Sedutto's... just talked about it the other day to someone. Their ice cream cakes were always packed in dry ice and had the edible wafer photo on top. This was back when they were located at the bottom of the Avenue on the Terrace (Richmond).
Great memories. Thanks.
As to South Beach ... cannot even believe it's the same place that I used to go to as a little kid back on the 60s.
"Native and former Islander who will always refer to it as home"
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