iTv on DvD! and I'll send you a "free" copy!

NOW, as a public service to all those people who cannot view the greatest show on Staten Island, I am going to send you a "free" DvD (or vhs tape for you retro-holdouts out there)..all you need to do is pay the postage and a small handling fee (4 bucks), and go to this page.
Be sure to request vhs when paying, or DvD will be sent automatically.
BTW, the 10th season of iTv will premiere Oct.1st...
for those of you that are unfamiliar with the program,
here's a windows media video preview of an opening sequence.
Here is the official bio (reprinted blurb) from the site:
industrial TELEVISION-A brief history...
industrial TELEVISION-created by the "2droogies"- edmund varuolo and brian powell.industrial TELEVISION is an underground film & video oriented cable access show produced here on staten island...
(9 years running!) Every Sat. night at midnight, "iTv" features an eclectic underground mix of cult, uncensored and subversive film & video from around the globe. It's been screened/filtered/re-edited by your hosts, the 2droogies.
We are (and have been for years) the most popular locally-produced cable television series on staten island.
industrial TELEVISION first aired during june '96 (the pilot episode) on staten island community television, our local cable access channel here. Due to a very favorable response, we decided to go for a series contract at sictv and commit to an ambitious schedule of one new episode every two weeks.
At that time, we estimated approx. 30 hours of possible programming culled from our vast collections. Right from the beginning, we featured many industrial training films (these are a staple of the show-hence the title "industrial TELEVISION"),b-movie trailers and edited-down features. Since then, we have added many new titles to our vast collections and now have way beyond the original 30 hrs. predicted.After episode eight, we started shooting additional footage ("inserts") to be cut into the body of each program.
You know .... reaction shots and such .... sort of a running visual commentary/everyman's view...somewhere between beavis and zacherle. We also then decided to re-dub the audio on certain clips with our own "funny" dialog. These changes allowed us to truly customize each episode and many fans tell us it's their favorite of the show.
UPDATE:after nine years & 167 episodes, we are still the #1 show* on staten island community television...despite never being aired earlier than midnite!...And, if judging from the low number of complaint calls to the station...we have somehow managed to anesthetize staten island!
*sources: website stats, internet searches, sictv mall survey 1999, ctv staff interviews 2002-5
Chris from Beer Goggles here. Wanted to let you know that I recently acquired a second location that might be perfect for your get-togethers, so if you haven't found a home yet, give me a call at (718) 614-8064 and we'll arange a time to show you the new place.
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