Wednesday, July 20, 2005

the new director of CTV...

Perhaps there's hope for the station.
Well, I met with the new director of CTV, Matt, and he actually seemed very human!
(as opposed to the old, thick-headed "director", whom seemed more interested in producing fat-cat business associate's shows and grafting equipment funds!)
Within two weeks of taking over Matt had the audio problems fixed in the editing room, wheras after 7 months of complaining to the old "director", that guy refused to do anything. Now, not only will the shows sound better, I will finally get to edit and air the bands from last Dec.'s benefit concert.
Not only did he tell me that "industrialTELEVISION was the only show I could watch on CTV", but Matt also said that he taught a communications class at St. John's and whenever CTV was mentioned, industrialTELEVISION was the first thing out of the student's mouths! (naturally, of course)
This is the first time in almost 10 years that the head of the channel understands what we're trying to do!
So things are looking up.

We also finally got some copies of the show on DVD....write me for details.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck - hope things work out. sometimes I think when we get stuck in bad situations it is so we will fully appreciate when the good comes along (or maybe just compared to the bad it looks pretty good).

7/21/2005 3:43 PM  

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