Saturday, December 24, 2005

a half century of insanity

when I was most of your ages, I would think about anyone 40+ years old-"shit, you're OLD-probably going to die soon, right?" I would tell people...yet, seeing it now from 50-year-old eyes, it really doesn't seem old. Hopefully, you will all get there one day and see my point.
The only thing that I DID notice recently (while listening to "classic rock" radio) is that I realized-I had seen 90% of these groups live.

yes, today I turn 50 years old.
(yeah, having a birthday on xmas eve sucks in a way when you are younger-I always had that cheap uncle who would give me a fiver and say "Here, Eddie-$2.50 for your birthday, $2.50 for xmas." But it gets better if you are older and want to forget your age, only my closest friends remember my birthday, everyone's caught up in the holiday.)
...funny, I don't feel 50, I feel like a 19 year-old...
now run out and fetch me one, eh?
...preferrably asian with huge cans.

Friday, December 16, 2005

"my top 10 movies of 2005"

so, since I see these everywhere, I figgured "Hey I am just as smart/dopey as these dudes!" here's my
"my top 10 movies of 2005"
(posted in order of rememberance, not quality)
The Aristocrats
Devil's Rejects
A History of violence
Kung-Fu Hustle
The 40-year old virgin
Land of the Dead
American Splendor
War of the Worlds
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
King Kong

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

why "HOLIDAY" is better than "CHRISTMAS"

I know, you've seen it everywhere, from major stores to the post office, all are offering "holiday" items and not "christmas" items. ("holiday trees"...umm...I dunno) They are all afraid to offend any one particular group, cowtowing to the stomach-churning "politically correct" ideology so rampant in today's overly-sensitive world.
But in the reverse-psychology of my world, I think it's a good thing to rid Xmas of these labels. Look, I could care less about the offended feelings of the religionist hoards and/or atheisits out there. My reasoning is that eventually the political correctness will grow to ban...CHRISTMAS SONGS!
yes, CHRISTMAS SONGS! ...those insidiously nasty ditties that blare out to us at every opportunity aroung this time of year.
God, how I hate the incessant din of those friggin' xmas songs that follows me like a unrelenting black curse everywhere I go! I have already heard enough Burl Ives to fill many lifetimes.
I mean really, how can one defend their stance (I am talking from Big Business' point of view) of banishing all references to "christmas" and pump nothing but "holy" songs through the store's speakers?
Can you imagine all businesses playing only holiday songs without any references to "christmas" in them? It would narrow it down the amount of brain-numbing music played tenfold. I can't event think of any tunes that would even fit the bill.
And "lite-fm" stations would probably have to can 99% of their playlists. YAY!
well, I can dream, can't I?
I can see it's starting already!...
(from ABC news)
in Maplewood, N.J., last year— officials told high school bands they can't even play instrumental versions of Christmas carols, and — as happened in Chicago — to make the lyrics of traditional songs more generic.
"Holiday celebrations where Christian music is being sung make people feel different," said Mark Brownstein, a Maplewood parent. "And because it is such a majority, it makes the minority feel uncomfortable."
(my xmas wish...)
Please, Jesus, ...please let the MALL & any store playing Lite FM be NEXT!

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I can not see what the raves about this film are. I RARELY ever walk out of a film, but this was one of those times. I could not take another reel (when I seen the final reel change cue come up, I knew it was gonna be another 15 minutes, I had to book) and I was barely staying awake.
The whole film to me looked like this picture. Just a extreme close-up of Hoffman "empathizing" to the story. Don't get me wrong, Hoffman is a good actor, and portrays Capote (probably) faithfully during that phase of Truman's career.
I think the main problem was that the film did not cover the period we knew Capote & loved from (I'm talking about being drunk and ranting on 70's TV shows like Stanley Seigel and Mike Douglas)...that was the FUN Truman, not the boring one depicted in this film. I know what you're saying: "In Cold Blood", those grisly murders, etc...."How could it be not interesting?"....Well don't friggin' blink, or you'll miss any violent scenes what-so-ever in this flick.
Maybe one day the later (drunk & fun) years will be brought to the screen, but until then this movie does not warrant accolades.