Tuesday, February 22, 2011

R.I.P David F. Friedman, explotation pioneer

David F. Friedman, producer of such classics as Blood Feast and many "Nudie films" such as Trader Hornee has died at 87. He will be missed. Featured many times on industrial TELEVISION, his trailers have become legendary. With narration such as:
"This film is for broad-minded adults only.....so if you got broads on your mind, come see this movie!"
A fixture at the chiller theater shows, he was always a cool old dude with many incredible stories from the old days of exploitation. I chose this trailer for She Freak, as it features Dave as a carnival barker, exactly where he got his start. His memoir, "A Youth in Babylon: Confessions of a Trash-Film King," is a must-read.
Clicking on title will bring you to his something weird video page, where you can marvel at some of his legacy.

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