terms for smoking pot

marijuana is a subject I profess to know something about...after all, I have been using on & off (mostly ON) for 30-some-odd years. The other day an older friend of mine said to me: "Wanna do a number?"...I said: "Shit, dood-I haven't heard that term since high-school!" ..."Yeah, but I gotta score another LID first!"...I mocked to him.
Many smokers have a "code" for going to smoke a joint...some memorable ones:
"gotta see a man about a horse"
"wana bone-up?"
"gonna go burn one"
"do a unit"
"let's get zooted"
"break out!"
"gotta go tune-up"
But my all-time favorite still cracks people up to this day, and comes from an old burn-out friend of mine back in the 80's-
He wouldn't say: "wanna smoke a joint and get get high?"
he'd say...Hey ed:
"Stogie?"................"get nice?"