This is
a must-see
for any
fans of
Finally a doc about the guy who created gore movies!
here's a short blurb:
Throughout the 1950s and 60s, literally hundreds of American filmmakers journeyed into the realm of Exploitation. There was money to be made then from cheap movies, and the result was a vast sea of no-budget flicks pushing either cars, monsters, killers, or supple skin. Very few of these films rose above the norm of the time, and far fewer actually tried to reinvent a seemingly fixed genre. Herschell Gordon Lewis and producer David F. Friedman knew that staying ahead of the game was the best way to make a buck, and, thanks to the combination of their ambition and their skewed minds, they ended up blazing a trail for independent cinema that America hasn’t seen the likes of since.
Met HG once back when Rick Sullivan had the Gore Gazette screenings at the DIVE in the 80's. Herschell was mega-cool, and had the BEST stories. Buddy Giovinazzo and I were there because we knew Herschell was attending. (I still have my auto'd 1-sheet of Blood Feast!) We were hanging out with Joe Spinell at the time, so we're all at the bar bullshitting, I actually uttered the line: "By the way, Herschell, do you know Joe Spinell?"
...only afterwards did I realize the gravity of what had just transpired. My god, I just introduced the "godfather of gore" to the "MANIAC"!!!
Click on the title for the link to the screenings, as I do not know when it will be issued on DvD.
Labels: 2droogies, Anthology, David F. Friedman, gore, Henenlotter, Herschell Gordon Lewis, industrialTELEVISION, sleaze, something weird, Staten Island, Vrany