my infrequently updated blog- NEW POST!

is such because i have been so busy working:
here on the eBay
and working on my pool game
and several other websites
BUT, I am gonna try to update this page more often.
people are always asking me "what are you gonna do next" and "are there any plans for something after industrialTELEVISION?"...
aside from pushing the current & future DvDs, which may contain some new content...
there are no plans for new episodes of iTv.
You see, putting together an hour show (for little $) every 2 weeks for over 10 years has left us spent, bothered, & bewildered.
When we started out (in 1996) there was a question on the application: "What do you hope to accomplish from producing at SICTV?" I wrote: "to change the face of staten island cable access"...
No small task, indeed, BUT- I believe (after a decade and 180 episodes) we've done that.
but as far as "something after industrialTELEVISION?"...
we'll just have to wait and see...
as there are some program concepts/ideas/irons-in-the-fire!
again I thank all the fans who have come up to me & expressed their love for the show. I've always said, this my real payment for all our efforts.
Labels: cable access, grindhouse, industrial television, SICTV, Staten Island